Making student ideas come to life

Inquiry Hub is a different kind of school because one of our core purposes is to provide a supportive, caring, creative community that helps students make their ideas come to life. DCL time, a network of mentors, and access to resources and equipment always serves the ideal of inspiring students to make, create, or innovate their idea.

At Inquiry Hub, the aspirations of the students help shape the school. We find that our students are quite interested in creative endeavours, such as writing, art, and film-making. However, they are also fascinated by science, computer programming, and other high-tech creations. Regardless of whether a learner leans towards art or science, or a mix of both as often happens, we strongly encourage every individual to create something new and innovative that they themselves can be passionate about.

Many’s the time one will see a wild look of joy in the eyes of a student as they talk about what they’re working on or what they’ll work on next. It’s something beautiful, yet we see it so often at iHub. Sophie, speaking of their dream of starting a restaurant and how they’re setting up a stall in a farmers market; Alex, talking about his Land Cruiser repairs and the work he still has to do; Liam, thinking of his film adaptation of A Comedy of Errors; Senn, speaking of the feature length musical she plans to debut in her final year. They’re all chasing their dreams; they’re all achieving them. Not just grades or graduation, but their real, actual passions.

It’s impossible to fully communicate the breadth and sheer number of inquiries that iHub students do… But let’s try our best:

About John Sarte

Science and Mathematics Facilitator at the Inquiry Hub at Millside Centre PhD Candidate at The University of British Columbia

02. December 2018 by John Sarte
Categories: Curriculum and Pedagogy, Promo | Leave a comment

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